I analysised NME magazine which is a rock/indie magazine. The title is allocated in the top left hand corner underneath the strapline, it is brightly coloured red with a white outline to catch the attention of the consumer, it also is situated behind the main article image presuming the reader can tell it's NME by only seeing half of the title. This is done so not to take away attention from the main article. Another feauture used on the front cover is thier centre image on the main article. This image is of the featured artist (main article) and also related to the main article picture. Puffs are also included on the front cover of the magazine as circles to promote the big features inside of the magazine.
When analysing NME magazine cover, i have found that the house style of NME, it has a generic layout in every issue of theirs. They're house style colours were throughout the whole magazine. The colours that they had used were peach, red,black and white. These colours do not appeal to one specific demographic such as one sex or groupp of people. By using this variety of different colours for the front cover, made it all appealing to all demographics. By looking at their magazine and their techniques I could use it for my own magazine to draw more readers towards my magazine either people who are a fan of my type of music genre or it could convert people into listening to my genre. This would appeal to all the different demographs of people, and not leave out a specific group.
This can help me in future when I'm creating my music magazine as I can look at the cover and the layout and try to make mine similar to it so it looks more realistic. I listed the barcode, puffs, masthead, title of magazine, main article image, price and subheading. This is because I would be including these features on my magazine so that it looks like an actual published magazine.
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